There are many factors which may affect the Gut. One of the most common ways is our diet. What we eat, drink and digest has a direct impact on our overall health.
This innovative Bio Hacking Supplement we have discovered is sure to improve your overall Gut Health. Gut Health using Byōm will give your Gut everything it needs to function properly.
byōm® [pronounced by-ohm]:
Gut Health is vital to many aspects of our lives and well-being. And we have the Supplement for your Gut Health with our Bio Hacking Solution called byōm® [pronounced by-ohm]:
Research in the Medical Community is increasing on how important the gut is to our overall health. More than 70 Million Americans alone are suffering from some kind of digestive disease or gut related issue.
Our body houses billions of bacteria. Some are living in us and some on us. However, most of that bacterial population resides in our Gut. See, Just like our brain (brān®), we need to feed our gut the right nutrients. Quite honestly, with all the Pesticides and Poisons used to grow and manufacture food, feeding your Gut the right nutrients is a difficult task in this day and age. That is where byōm® comes into play.
Science and Bio-Hacking has made a major breakthrough. Byōm is Bio-Hacking at its best. The perfect way to Support Gut Health.
Foods That Contribute To Poor Gut Health:
Eating the right foods will help minimize stomach related issues, helping to optimize our overall health. Although too much of anything could be bad for us, here are some foods to be aware of when it comes to your gut:
Artificial Sweeteners:
- Regular artificial sweeteners are most commonly used but have no nutritional value. As a result, could cause issues processing glucose in the body.
Fried Foods:
- Fried foods can move undigested through the body too quickly. This can lead to diarrhea. They also stay in your digestive tract too long which causes you to feel full and bloated. In fact, there are a lot of fried foods that are low in fiber and take longer to digest. This is a hard one for me because I have to have my French Fries!
Refined Sugar:
- When we have excess sugar that cannot be broken down and absorbed by the body, it sits in the bowels. As it sits in the bowels it ferments. Feeding bad bacteria and yeast as it moves more slowly through the large intestine.
You can see just how important our diet can be. And there are many other foods that contribute to poor gut health.
Benefits Of Byōm:
Many people find themselves dealing with issues such as Bloating, Constipation, Heartburn, Frequent mood changes or even trouble sleeping. These are all signs of poor gut health.
Byōm balances the pH Levels in your body. It improves overall digestive health and may help support a healthy immune system.
Take care of your Gut and your Overall Health with Byōm. The Ultimate in Proper Gut Health.
A Liquid Bio Hacking Solution giving your Gut what it needs to obtain optimal Health. We have discovered a truly Amazing Product with byōm®. You and your Gut will greatly benefit from this.